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不过你也别认为女孩子就这样的肤浅易哄,有些女孩子考验异性的花招是层出不穷的,特别是中国的女孩子,常常喜欢扮出一个高姿态来试探你到底爱她有多深。她会在八号风球的夜晚让你跑一百公里的地帮她买她爱吃的宵夜,她会在周未的早上把你从床上拉起来陪她逛一天的街,她会比较你在情人节送的玫瑰花是不是比人家的小,她会要你一天说一百句 “我爱你”,却对你的态度始终暧昧不清。





This woman is an auditory animal, and she likes sweet words. Men put down their dignity to please, and often can touch the hearts of girls.

But you don’t think that girls are so superficial and easy to coax. Some girls have endless tricks to test the opposite sex, especially Chinese girls, who often like to play a high posture to test how deep you love her. She will let you run a hundred kilometers on the night of the No. 8 typhoon to help her buy her favorite supper. She will pull you up from the bed on the morning of Zhou Wei to accompany her to visit the street for a day, she will compare Is the rose you sent on Valentine’s Day smaller than others? She will ask you to say “I love you” a day, but her attitude towards you is always ambiguous.

Speaking of how tired Chinese men in love are, I want to talk about a male colleague in my company. He has made a girlfriend. He has a much higher education level. He has reached level 6 in English. He works as a translator in a foreign trade company. He himself only has high school education level. At first, all people were not optimistic about them, thinking that there was too much difference in education level. His girlfriends are all high-level white-collar workers who speak with a sentence or two in foreign language, and this male colleague often can only listen to it in silence, he has no way to broadcast a sentence, only one task, That is to wait for them to eat up and talk about the payment. And they both like to go to those high-end western restaurants, so although my male colleague’s income is not bad, he still becomes a moonlight family every month, and even often pays a monthly salary, and even has no money to buy cigarettes in the middle of the month. Too.

Despite this, the male colleague still enjoys it. He thinks that it is a good face to have a girlfriend who is literate. He has seen his girlfriend and he doesn’t dare to compliment him. However, he is still elegant in his dress. , She finally fell into his arms and lived with him. After cohabitation, the number of outings was relatively small, but the male colleague still had no money. It is said that this woman checked his wallet every day, leaving him only double-digit change every day to take a car to eat. Ordinarily, if both are happy, and others have nothing to say, but the male colleague has become a shun for everyone in the company, because he went out to eat with everyone, and never had the money to pay the bill, his girlfriend still I often call Cha Gang and ask who he is with. When I don’t believe, I still need him to give the phone to another person. It’s really tiring to get along with the couple so distrustfully.

However, those who control money, check posts, and the like can be said that this woman cares about his performance. The most unbearable thing is that when a company dinner, a male colleague brought his girlfriend to participate in this. The woman was in a high-spirited attitude, asking her boyfriend to help her to pour tea and serve tea. Originally, there was nothing for men to serve their girlfriends, but this woman always talked to him with commanded tone, let us these Outsiders looked a bit ugly. I think a woman can be a bit more arrogant at home, and a man will be okay when he is comfortable, but he must save his face outside. After all, a man has to face the society. If he really loves this man, he naturally does not want this man to be ridiculed. But she didn’t understand it at all, thinking that this man would have to withstand her tests in pursuit of her.

Everyone should have guessed their ending? The man finally couldn’t bear to put up the breakup, thinking that the other party was just talking and didn’t save much, but this male colleague was really sad, he quit his job in the company When I went to Shenzhen, the woman knew how stupid she was, crying and not letting the man leave, saying that she would change, but it was too late. The man said it would be a while away. If it really suits each other, it will still Have a chance together. Or they will meet again in the future, but it is not difficult to see some phenomena of Chinese men and women falling in love. Women always value reservedness. They believe that in love, men should actively pursue and clearly like each other. It will not be expressed. Love is a matter of two people. Don’t always give one side, but know that if you stretch your hands for a long time, you will naturally let go when you are tired. If love is a burden, it will only end in giving up.



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