偷香 Stealing Beauty (1996)又名: 盗美人 / Dancing by Myself在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减都没有

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偷香 Stealing Beauty (1996)又名: 盗美人 / Dancing by Myself在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减都没有

偷香 Stealing Beauty (1996)又名: 盗美人 / Dancing by Myself在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减都没有

年轻的露西(丽芙·泰勒 Liv Tyler 饰)带着她母亲自杀后留下的日记,来到了一个小镇上探访母亲往昔的好友,并住在雕塑家格雷森的家中。其实四年前,露西就和母亲来过这里,还认识了一个叫尼古拉的男孩。她曾经被他送上的一封信深深感动,并和他有过美好的初恋时光。如今,格雷斯家中异常热闹,聚集了各路人物,露西美丽的魅力让这里的男人们纷纷动心,其中患有白血病的作家亚历克斯更是难以自拔。尼古拉从国外回来,露西却发现他是个花花公子,枉费当年动了情。此时寻找生父成了露西的心结。她在这段历程中慢慢成熟,并寻获心爱那人。

Young Lucy (liv Taylor, Liv Tyler), with her mother’s suicide diary, came to a small town to visit her mother’s former friends and live in the home of the sculptor Grayson. In fact, four years ago, Lucy came here with her mother and met a boy named Nicholas. She was deeply moved by a letter he sent and had a good first love with him. Nowadays, Grace’s family is very busy, gathering people from all walks of life. Lucy’s beautiful charm has aroused the hearts of men here, especially Alex, a writer suffering from leukemia. When Nicola came back from abroad, Lucy found out that he was a playboy. It was Lucy’s heart to find her father. She grew up in the process and found the one she loved.



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