六月之蛇 六月の蛇 (2002)电影在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减都没有

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六月之蛇 六月の蛇 (2002)电影在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减都没有

六月之蛇 六月の蛇 (2002)电影在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减都没有

六月的东京,连绵不断的梅雨,让人心烦意乱,欲念横生。供职于心理咨询室的少妇凛子(黒沢あすか 饰)与丈夫(神足裕司 饰)过着优渥的生活,然而夫妻虽然相爱,却因丈夫洁癖的原因始终没有性事。贤淑温良而又倍感压抑的凛子只能通过自慰寻求片刻的满足。某天,一个名叫道郎(塚本晋也 饰)的男子被自杀的念头所困扰,于是打来电话求助。道郎在凛子的开导下渐渐摆脱自杀的泥潭,却转而沉迷于凛子的温柔中。他以凛子自慰的照片作要挟,逼迫这个一贯保守的女子做出一件又一件令她倍感屈辱的事情……

In June in Tokyo, the continuous rainy season made people feel upset and hungry. The young woman Rinko (黒 沢 あ す か ornaments) working in the counseling room and her husband (Kanazu Yuji ornaments) lived a good life. However, although the couple loved each other, they still had no sex because of the husband’s cleanliness. The gentle, gentle and repressed Rinko can only seek a moment of satisfaction through masturbation. One day, a man named Dao Lang (Takamoto Shinya) was troubled by suicidal thoughts, so he called for help. Daolang gradually got rid of the quagmire of suicide under the guidance of Rinzi, but instead indulged in Rinzi’s tenderness. He threatened with the pictures of Rinzi masturbating, forcing this consistently conservative woman to do one thing after another that made her feel humiliated …
This film was adapted from director Tsukamoto Shinya’s novel of the same name, and won the 2002 Venice Film Festival San Marco Jury Special Award, the 2003 Portuguese International Fantasy Film Festival Best Actress (Black あ す か) and the Jury Award.



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