原罪 Original Sin (2001) 在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减都没有

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原罪 Original Sin (2001) 在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减都没有

1,费拿拉小镇,工程师斯瓦诺(Kim Rossi Stuart 饰)邂逅了女教师卡门(Inés Sastre 饰),他们一见钟情,卡门却拒绝了斯瓦诺的吻。当他们三年后再次相遇时,斯瓦诺则在肉欲面前止步;
2,海滨小城,某导演(John Malkovich 饰)信步游荡时遇到了美丽的女子(Sophie Marceau 苏菲•玛索 饰)。她向导演坦白曾亲手杀害自己的父亲。他们并未因此疏远,反而缱绻缠绵;
3,巴黎,妻子离开不忠的丈夫,寻找租房时遇到了失去妻子的卡罗(Jean Reno 让•雷诺 饰),他们似乎找到了共通的心绪;
4,英俊的男孩爱上了一个姑娘(Irène Jacob 饰),他尾随、表白,却得知她将要把自己献给上帝。

1. In the small town of finara, engineer swarno (Kim Rossi Stuart) meets female teacher Carmen (in é s Sastre). They fall in love at first sight, but Carmen refuses swano’s kiss. When they met again three years later, swano stopped in front of lust;
2. In a seaside town, a director (John Malkovich) meets a beautiful woman (Sophie Marceau, Sophie Marceau) while wandering. She confessed to the director that she had killed her father herself. They are not alienated by this, but they are intimate;
3. In Paris, when the wife leaves her unfaithful husband and looks for a house to rent, she meets Carol (Jean Reno), who has lost her wife. They seem to find a common mood;
4. The handsome boy falls in love with a girl (IR è ne Jacob), who follows and confesses, but knows that she will give herself to God.
The film won the best arrangement of the 1996 Silver Ribbon Award of the Italian Film Journalists Association and the 1995 Venice Film Festival felicity award.



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