大鸿米店 (1995)又名: 米在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减都没有

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大鸿米店 (1995)又名: 米在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减都没有

大鸿米店 (1995)又名: 在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减都没有

五龙(陶泽如 饰)逃荒进城凭着一身蛮力做了大鸿米店的伙计,食量惊人的他惹来了店冯老板和大女儿绮云(杨昆 饰)的百般刁难,而自小便作了六爷姘妇的小女儿织云(石兰 饰)却见他总是笑逐颜开,白天到处受人欺负的五龙只有晚上躺在米仓里大口大口的嚼生米时才能感觉到踏实。偶然一次机会,让五龙发现织云和六爷的手下阿保在一起鬼混,为了报复阿保平日里对自己的欺辱,五龙偷偷向六爷告发,后来阿保就被人给捅了。初尝报复带来的快感让五龙兴奋的彻夜无眠,而生性风流的织云对他的百般勾引又令他完全迷失。从此,五龙便开始对身边欺负自己的一个个城里人疯狂的报复……

Wulong (Tao zeru) fled to the city and became a waiter of Dahong rice shop with his brute force. He ate so much that he made boss Feng of the rice shop and his eldest daughter Qiyun (Yang Kun) very difficult. Since childhood, he became the youngest daughter of the sixth master’s mistress, Zhiyun (Shi LAN) However, he is always smiling. The five dragons who are bullied by people everywhere in the daytime can feel steadfast only when they lie in the rice warehouse at night and munch raw rice. By chance, Wulong finds out that Zhiyun is fooling with his subordinates, a Bao. In order to avenge his daily humiliation, Wulong secretly informs LiuYe. Later, a Bao is stabbed. The first taste of revenge brings pleasure to Wulong, who is excited and sleepless all night, while the natural and romantic Zhiyun seduces him in all ways, which makes him completely lost. From then on, Wulong began to take revenge on the city people who bullied him
This film is adapted from Su Tong’s novel “Mi”, which was made in 1995. It is called grey film because it is considered to promote the evil theory of human nature. It was released seven years later after snow hiding.



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