少女 少女~an adolescent (2001)电影在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减百度云都没有

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少女 少女~an adolescent (2001)电影在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减百度云都没有

少女 少女~an adolescent (2001)电影在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减百度云都没有

在濑户的一座小镇,人民的生活波澜不惊。驻地警察友川(奥田瑛二 饰)终日骑着自行车,穿梭在小镇曲折狭窄的巷道间,帮助居民们解决各种各样的问题,间或来一场投怀送抱的艳遇。某天,友川结识了一名可爱的女孩子,他为她取名眉子(小沢まゆ 饰)。短暂的欢愉过后,友川怅然若失,虽然在之后的日子里四下寻找眉子,最终却一无所获。偶然的机缘,他重逢眉子,然而她竟是一个只有15岁的初中生。深深的爱恋冲破了世俗的枷锁,友川和眉子陷入一场没有未来的忘年恋中……

In a small town in Seto, the people’s lives are not surprising. The resident police officer Yukawa (Aotianying Ershi) rode his bicycle all day long and shuttled between the winding narrow alleys of the town, helping residents solve various problems, and occasionally came to a show of love. One day, Youchuan met a cute girl, who named her eyebrows (小沢まゆ ornaments). After a short period of joy, Youchuan lost her heart. Although she looked for her brows in the following days, she finally found nothing. By chance, he met again, but she was only a 15-year-old junior high school student. Deep love broke through the shackles of the world, and Youchuan and Meimei fell into a year-old love with no future…
This film is the directorial debut of the actor Okuda Eiji, adapted from the short story of the same name by Liancheng Sanjiyan, and won the Best Actress Award at the 17th Paris Film Festival, the Best Actress Award at the 7th Russian International Film Festival Jackpot.



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