干柴烈火 Gouttes d’eau sur pierres brûlantes (2000)电影在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减都没有

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干柴烈火 Gouttes d’eau sur pierres brûlantes (2000)电影在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减都没有

干柴烈火 Gouttes d’eau sur pierres brûlantes (2000)电影在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减都没有

20世纪70年代,德国。房屋待售的富商里欧帕(Bernard Giraudeau 饰)结实了四处寻找住房的19岁俊美青年弗兰兹(Malik Zidi 饰),身为同性恋的他为眼前这个青年所吸引,于是有意识地勾起了弗兰兹的同性恋欲望。弗兰兹落入情场高手的陷阱,从此成为里欧帕的情欲努力。年龄和身份的悬殊让他们之间矛盾不断,分分合合。在这一过程中,弗兰兹深深爱上了这位不该爱上的情人。不久,事态变得愈加复杂起来。弗兰兹的女友安娜(Ludivine Sagnier 饰)找上门来,她本希望带走男友,却在一瞬间被里欧帕迷住。而里欧帕的前男友——变性人维拉(Anna Levine 饰)也介入其中。四角关系错综复杂,究竟该如何收场……

In the 1970s, Germany. The wealthy merchant Leopard (Bernard Giraudeau) for sale for sale sold out a 19-year-old handsome young man Franz (Malik Zidi) who was looking for housing Franz’s homosexual desire. Franz fell into the trap of a master of love, and has since become Leopard’s erotic endeavor. The disparity in age and identity makes them constantly contradicted, divided and combined. In the process, Franz fell in love with this lover who should not fall in love. Soon, things became more complicated. Franz’s girlfriend Anna (Ludivine Sagnier) came to the door. She wanted to take her boyfriend, but she was fascinated by Leopard in a flash. Leopard ’s ex-boyfriend, transgender Vera (Anna Levine) also intervened. The relationship between the four corners is intricate, how should it end …
This film was shortlisted for the main competition of the 2000 Berlin International Film Festival and won the Teddy Bear Award, and won the 2000 New York Gay Film Festival Best Film Award.



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