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进化心理学的基本前提是:人类很多行为都是指向后代的——目的是让自己的基因得以传递下去。女性一方的生殖成本很高,所以女性更倾向于选择稳定关系,和一个长期的配偶共同抚养子女;如果男性表现出了“可靠”、“成熟”、“擅长照料后代” 等特征,愿意为照料后代付出资源和时间,那么他在女性眼中就会更加性感。


















Let the celebrity dads take their children to live in a more remote village for a weekend and take care of the children’s daily life-this is the main content of the variety show “Where Are We Going Dads” that attracts many audiences. Parents with children like this kind of program is easy to understand, but many single women also like to watch, can not help but confuse. To understand them, you should actually analyze from the perspective of evolutionary psychology, and you can also learn more from psychological experiments.

Men become fathers, only more attractive

The basic premise of evolutionary psychology is that many human behaviors are directed to future generations-the purpose is to pass on their own genes. The reproductive cost of the female side is high, so women are more inclined to choose a stable relationship and raise their children with a long-term spouse; if the male shows “reliable”, “mature”, “good at caring for future generations” and other characteristics, willing to care The future generations pay resources and time, then he will be more sexy in the eyes of women.

Even if a man takes care of someone else ’s child, the problem is not big, as long as his relationship with the woman is stable. And men have the trait of “like children”, which will be very important in a long-term relationship. Women will not lower their overall evaluation of men because they are currently divided into resources.

Psychologist Peggy Serra designed such a set of slides, which include: 1. A man stands alone; 2. A man interacts with an 18-month-old child; 3. A man turns a blind eye to a crying child; 4. A man and a child face to face (neutral situation); 5. A man is cleaning the living room. 240 women were asked to rate the sexual charm of the characters in the five images above, with a 5 out of 5.

In the second state, men scored the highest, with 2.75 points; in the third state, they scored the lowest, only 1.25 points. In this way, being with children not only has no harm to the charm of men, but also has a good decorative effect on personal charm-in the eyes of women, a man can take good care of the children independently, indicating that he has some not all men. Excellent quality.

If the conditions of this experiment are changed, men will rate the charm of women in different situations. We will find that whether a woman is doing housework, caring for children, or just standing alone, her attractiveness to men will not change. In other words, caring for children does not increase the attractive value of women in the eyes of men.

Will men take care of children, women are naturally intuitive

Normally, before marriage, women have not seen their partners take care of their children, but sometimes women have this kind of intuition.

In a study in 1991, it was mentioned that some of the personality traits in men ’s reports about themselves were found, especially the qualities necessary for taking care of children, such as “warmth” and “closeness”. Women only looked at photos of the man You can find them one by one.

Psychologists later conducted another study. They first tested the interest of 39 college boys in their children, including an explicit test (simultaneously present a picture of an animal and a child, let the subjects choose which one they prefer, and repeat it multiple times to get an average result) and An implicit attitude test (repeatedly pairing babies-related vocabulary with positive or negative vocabulary to form a psychological connection, so as to determine whether the subject’s attitude toward the baby is positive or negative). Then let 29 women watch their photos and evaluate whether they are attractive to them as long-term spouses or short-term partners, and also speculate on some of their traits, such as “whether they like children” or “whether they are healthy” , “Is it good?”

The result is that women ’s evaluation of whether men like children is not related to the degree of men ’s own performance in the interest test for children. But further analysis found that men’s interest in children is the main factor affecting their long-term attractiveness to women.

From the perspective of women’s subjective feelings, the factor that affects long-term attractiveness is “(Women think) does he like children”, and the factor that affects short-term attractiveness is “is he masculine?”

In general, a man with children will not only reduce his attractiveness in the eyes of women, if he can interact well with children and show his love for children, there will definitely be extra points in the eyes of women .

Who prefers “Where is Dad?”

Let’s take a look at the audience analysis of the recently popular “Where is Dad?” To further verify our speculation.

TGI index of women = proportion of women watching the program / proportion of all women participating in the survey × standard number 100. That is to say, although there are more men than women participating in this survey, the proportion of women who watched “Where to Go” in the survey is significantly higher than that of men.

According to this data, we can find that unmarried people and women aged 19-24 are the main audience groups. This means that the content of the show is most attractive to unmarried women.

On the other hand, according to data from Sina Weibo, women accounted for 80% of the users who participated in the discussion on the topic of “Where is Dad?” Although women are more willing to discuss such topics than men, such a huge gap can also be seen in the fact that there are indeed many “daddy fans” among women.

If there is a more detailed analysis report, there may be such results: the focus of the men and married women watching the program may be on the interaction between the father and the child; while the unmarried women watching the program are concerned, more It revolves around dads, especially those who are considerate and attentive, understand life, and take care of their children.



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