我们 アタシラ。 (2017)电影在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减百度云都没有

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我们 アタシラ。 (2017)电影在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减百度云都没有

我们 アタシラ。 (2017)电影在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减百度云都没有


I am a lonely genius who does not understand who I am.
Do you know who you are?
When you are asked “Who are you?”, you will not know how to answer for a while. This is because no one was born into the world by his own consciousness. Therefore, when people describe who they are, they will use “Who am I and whose children” or “Where and where do I work?” This is clearly describing yourself, but you must use something other than yourself.
“We.” It means that you do not understand yourself, you cannot control yourself… In other words, you are created from the will of your parents. But in the worst case, it is very likely that the parents didn’t think that way. The people who suffered because of the genetic factors of such parents are depicted in this movie.



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