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这是令和的猫眼(Cat’s Eye)!
年轻的朋友可能不知道我在说什么,那是漫画家“北条司”在City Hunter(城市猎人)前的作品:故事中的“猫眼”是专门窃取美术作品的盗贼集团,由三姐妹组成,她们不只有天使的脸蛋和魔鬼的身材还有敏捷的身手,警察完全抓不到她们⋯

2014年9月她是于Prestige旗下的片商DOC以合辑的方式出道,第一支个人演出的作品是“エスカレートするドしろーと娘 250”,自此之后她就以素人女悠的身分在业界发片到2015年中ー综观其艾薇生涯,虽然拍了2支写真作品但她并不是个太重要的女悠,大多数的作品是合辑或大锅炒,个人演出的作品也大多是以化名演出,时至今日没人记得她是谁也很正常:
比较有意思的是“素人个人撮影、投稿。576 ありさ 19歳 大学生”这支作品,片中这位被逮的前艾薇女悠被设定是个缺钱缺很大的大学生,因为爸爸打小钢珠打到家里都没钱了,于是吉井ありさ(吉井有纱)只好下海贴补家用⋯


This is Cat’s Eye!
Young friends may not know what I’m talking about, it’s the work of the cartoonist “Hojo” before the City Hunter: the “cat’s eye” in the story is a group of thieves who specialized in stealing works of art, and consists of three sisters. They are not only the angel’s face and the devil’s figure but also their agile skills, the police can’t catch them at all…
The two were of course not as beautiful and spicy as the three sisters in the comics, but they rampaged across Kabukicho in Shinjuku, stealing the wind one by one, succeeding in more than 30 million yen, and finally arrested after losing wind a while ago. But I am not here to write a social case today, but one of the suspects, “Xicuncai”, was found to have been an Avril Lavigne five years ago after the photo was released:
Her stage name is “Yoshii ありさ (Yoshii Yarn)”.

In September 2014, she debuted as a compilation in the DOC of Prestige’s film company. The first solo performance was “エスカレートするドしろーと娘250”. Since then, she has been an amateur woman. The industry released the film to mid-2015. Looking at her career in Ai Wei, although she took 2 photo works, she is not a very important female. Most of the works are compilations or cauldrons. Most of the personal performances are also works. Performing under a pseudonym, it is normal for no one to remember who she is today:
More interesting is the “Personal Personal Photograph and Contribution. 576 ありさ19歳大学生” This work, in the film, the arrested former Ivy girl is set to be a college student who lacks money and big because his father plays small steel balls I have no money to call home, so Yoshii ありさ (Yoshii has a gauze) had to go to the sea to make up for the family ⋯

So, 5 years later, she is still the same? My dad became a thief because he played with small steel balls and bet on his family?
That’s not true. In real life, Nishimura Nao took the stolen money to raise a cowherd, but just looked at her work five years ago, and compared her reality of becoming a Jiangyang thief, and then hacking her boyfriend on the street. ‘S glasses sister news, everyone should know how powerful the Japanese cowboys are, and many girls are feeding them like magic:
No wonder Mingli つむぎ (明里匷) would say: “Girls who like cowboys are the most stupid!”



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