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大奈吃货萝莉桃乃木かな桃乃木香奈),身高仅153公分,却拥有傲人的F罩杯,天使脸孔搭配魔鬼身材,完全就是巨乳小之马无误!如此娇小可爱惹人疼的美少女,最近可碰到大麻烦了,那就是她2月的作品“死ぬほど大嫌いな上司と出张先の温泉旅馆でまさかの相部屋に… 丑い绝伦おやじに何度も何度もイカされてしまった私。”片中桃乃木かな饰演一位气质OL,某天因为工作的关系,和矮丑肥欧吉桑上司一起出差,等到工作结束后一起投宿温泉饭店,虽然两人住在不同房间,但还是抵不过上司的热情邀约,晚上来到对方房间,陪喝酒聊天吃下酒菜。




作品名:死ぬほど大嫌いな上司と出张先の温泉旅馆でまさかの相部屋に… 丑い绝伦おやじに何度も何度もイカされてしまった私。
品 番:IPX-439
女悠名:桃乃木 かな(桃乃木 香奈,Momonogi-Kana)
事务所:Life Promotion

Danai’s foodie loli peach nogi かな (Peach Nogi Chana), is only 153 cm tall, but has a proud F cup, angel face and devil figure, it is completely a big breasted little horse! Such a petite, cute and annoying beautiful girl has been in big trouble recently, and that is her February work “Dead ぬほど大親いな上司と出張先の體の門の門館でまさかの相部屋に… ugly juelunおやじに何度も何度もイカされてしまっった私.” In the film, Momanogi かな plays a temperament OL. One day because of work, he went on a business trip with the ugly and fat boss Ogisan, and stayed at the hot spring hotel together after the work. Although the two lived in different rooms, they still couldn’t reach the warm invitation of the boss. They came to each other’s room at night to accompany drinking and chatting to eat wine and food.

However, things are not so simple. It turns out that the boss has been coveting Tao Nogi’s body for a long time, and even this business trip was arranged by her J Xin, so taking advantage of the other party’s attention, she secretly put sleeping pills in the wine, poor Tao Nogi かな, the wine was not enough for three rounds, so he fell asleep.
Seeing Momanogi Tanna has become her own plaything, the boss did not rush to take off Momanogi Tanna’s yukata, and then took advantage of the confusion of the other party, using the traditional missionary posture, to stab the hot rou stick in, and did not forget to take photos during the period. Peach Naomi かな was fascinated by J groaning not so dry.

After waking up, Momomogi’s whole body collapsed completely. Just when she didn’t know what to do, she was about to face the double blow of the y-photo on her boss’s phone. Everyone could guess the story afterwards and was threatened by her boss. If she didn’t obey If you want to spread the y photos, you can only eat his cock obediently, and get C through various poses for another round.

From then on, Tao Naomu か na obediently became the other’s X slave. As long as the short and ugly fat wanted, Tao Naomu か na must be on standby at any time to plug in. Even when talking on the phone with her boyfriend, she has to face the attack of her boss. Screaming, what’s worse is that the air conditioner is also broken at this time. She can only helplessly accept a fat boss and push herself on her body forever. Even if she is QJ, she has to face the danger of dehydration. To the highest point…

The name of the work: 死ぬほど大幫いな上司と出张先の體の泉館でまさかの相部屋に… Ugly JuelunおやじにHe degreeも何度もカされてしまっっっっってしまっっに.
Product: IPX-439
Issue Date: 2020/02/13
Female name: Peach Nogi かな (Peach Nogi Chana, Momonogi-Kana)
Firm: Life Promotion
Height/Cup: 153 cm/E cup



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