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秘书 Secretary (2002)在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减都没有

秘书 Secretary (2002)在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减都没有

Lee Holloway(玛吉·吉伦哈尔 Maggie Gyllenhaal 饰)生活在一个不和谐的家庭里,从小就有“自毁”的行为,在精神治疗中心治疗一段时间回到家后,她要重新融入正常人的生活。于是她学习了打字,在一家律师事务所找到了一份打字员的工作。一开始,Lee打字出现了很多毛病,被她的雇主E. Edward Grey(詹姆斯·斯派德 James Spader 饰)发现,Grey把Lee叫到了他的办公室,为了让Lee深刻记得她的错误,他让Lee趴在书桌上,然后他开始拿起皮鞭对她进行性虐待。久而久之,两人产生了一种奇妙的情感,这也从另一方面减弱了Lee的“自毁”倾向。Lee爱上了Grey,然而Grey却羞于让人知道他的怪癖,于是他解雇了Lee。Lee的男友Peter(杰瑞米·戴维斯 Jeremy Davies 饰)向她求婚,她答应了,然而在婚礼当天,她却逃到了Grey的办公室…

Lee Holloway (Maggie Gyllenhaal) lives in a disharmonious family. She has been “self destructed” since she was a child. After a period of treatment in the psychotherapy center and returning home, she wants to reintegrate into the normal life. So she learned to type and got a job as a typist in a law firm. At first, Lee had a lot of typing problems. Her employer, e. Edward grey (James Spader), found out that grey called Lee to his office. In order to make Lee remember her mistakes, he asked Lee to lie on his desk, and then he began to pick up the whip to sexually abuse her. Over time, they had a wonderful feeling, which also weakened Lee’s tendency of self destruction. Lee fell in love with grey, but grey was ashamed to let people know his eccentricity, so he fired Lee. Lee’s boyfriend Peter (Jeremy Davies) proposed to her, she agreed, but on the wedding day, she fled to Grey’s office



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