罗马的房子 Habitación en Roma (2010)在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减都没有

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罗马的房子 Habitación en Roma (2010)在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减都没有

罗马的房子 Habitación en Roma (2010)在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减都没有

初夏的第一个夜晚,拥有两个孩子的西班牙母亲阿尔芭(埃琳纳·安娜亚 Elena Anaya 饰),一周后即将嫁人的俄罗斯女孩娜塔莎(娜塔莎·亚罗温科 Natasha Yarovenko 饰),在意大利那充满古韵的首都罗马相遇。两个女人的秘密,就这样绽放在一个罗马的房间。爱神的箭从天际射向了她们,欲望也为她们开拓了一个暧昧又趣味的时刻,使两人初相识的隐瞒与防卫心,竟开始逐一融。两个女人的心事,就这样交融在这样一个沁凉的初夏。这是一场持续了12个小时的爱欲盛宴,它穿过了深夜、一直到天亮。清晨的降临,预示着彼此的分离,她们要去面对现实生活与精神自由的考验。罗马这座城市终究会变成她们一个中转站,还是一个新的起点?

It’s a remake of Chile’s 2005 film in bed, but the director turns the structure of a man and a woman into a meeting of two girls.
On the first night of early summer, Spanish mother alba (Elena Anaya), who has two children, and Russian girl Natasha (Natasha yarovenko), who is about to marry a week later, meet in Roma, the ancient capital of Italy. Two women’s secrets, so blooming in a Roman room. Love’s arrow shot at them from the sky, and desire opened up an ambiguous and interesting moment for them, which made the concealment and defense of their first acquaintance begin to melt one by one. The two women’s thoughts blend in such a cool early summer. It was a 12 hour erotic feast that went through the night and into the morning. The coming of the morning indicates their separation from each other. They have to face the test of real life and spiritual freedom. Will Rome eventually become a transit station or a new starting point for them?



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