色戒 Samsara (2001)电影在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减都没有

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色戒 Samsara (2001)电影在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减都没有

色戒 Samsara (2001)电影在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减都没有

色戒》由印裔法国籍导演宾纳伦(PAN NALIN)执导,筹备七年之久,远赴印度与西藏接壤的喜玛拉雅山区实地拍摄,摄制优美壮阔的场面,更深入边境禁地,揭开苦行僧人的神秘面纱。
故事描述貌美聪慧的农庄少女琶玛(钟丽缇 饰),偶遇僧人达世(古桑 饰),竟燃起欲念,她不惜公然挑战宗教禁忌,只为追求心中所爱。早已舍弃世间一切羁绊的达世,抵受不住琶玛的挑逗,犹如电击似的触发了原始欲望,遂决定脱去袈裟入世修行,结婚、生儿育。色戒一破,竟是一发不可收拾,达世多年苦修,应否就此毁于一旦?琶玛的放任可会扭转了她一生?佛祖的禅意到底是满足眼前的一个欲望,抑是战胜内心的一个欲念?

“Lust Caution” is directed by PAN NALIN, a director of Indian-French nationality. It has been preparing for seven years and went to the Himalayas on the border between India and Tibet to shoot on the spot, shooting beautiful and magnificent scenes, and going deeper into the border prohibited area To uncover the mystery of ascetic monks. A
The story describes the beautiful and bright farm girl Pama (Zhong Liti), who occasionally meets the monk Dashi (Gu Sang), and she ignites her desires. She does not hesitate to challenge religious taboos, only to pursue her love. Dashi, who had long abandoned all the constraints in the world, could not bear the provocation of Pama, and triggered the primitive desire as if by electric shock. He decided to take off his tunic and enter the world to practice, marry and have children. Once the color ring is broken, it is uncontrollable. Should the years of hard work be destroyed, should it be destroyed once? Will Parma’s indulgence reverse her life? Is Buddha’s Zen in the end satisfying a desire in front of him, or a desire to overcome his heart?



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