除蚤武士 のみとり侍 (2018)电影在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减都没有

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除蚤武士 のみとり侍 (2018)电影在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减都没有

除蚤武士 のみとり侍 (2018)电影在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减都没有

改编自小松重男的小说《 蚤とり侍》,阿部宽饰演的武士因得罪了藩主而被流放为打着除猫蚤的名号实则向女顾客卖“肉”的“工口武士”小林宽之进。第一个客人小峯(寺岛忍饰)神似其亡妻,谁知才几分钟就被骂床技差,于是他下定决心磨炼起了床笫之术。丰川悦司饰演传授主人公取悦女性之道的妻管严的清兵 卫,前田敦子饰演清兵卫的妻子。斎藤工饰演阿部宽的邻居清贫却免费教书的私塾教师佐伯友之介

Adapted from Komatsu ’s novel “Flea and Rite”, the warrior played by Abe Hirano was exiled because he offended the feudal lord. “Kongkou Warrior” Kobayashi, who sold “meat” to female customers, was sold under the name of cat flea. Into. The first guest, Xiaofeng (Shidao Ninja), looked like his deceased wife, who was known to have been called a bed skill for a few minutes. Toyotomikawa plays the role of wife of the strict Qing Bingwei who teaches the protagonist to please women. Maeda Atsuko plays the wife of Qing Bingwei. Yusuke Sato, the private school teacher who plays Abekuan’s poor neighbor but teaches for free



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