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As more and more people from different fields choose Ivy to go to the sea, those flight attendants and anchors are no longer uncommon. There are even fans who choose to join the line because they are looking forward to female you. In order to attract the attention of the audience, the film business had no choice but to do nothing. There is no need to add new settings to it, so this is known as the weirdest newcomer in January 2020. It turns out that this Huan Ni コ (Huan Renzi) is actually a cocooned sister. In order to change herself, she chose to go to the sea. Snapped!

According to the filmmaker’s description, before the filming, she was a cocoon who did not leave the house. She hid in her room and refused to contact the outside world. But one day she suddenly figured it out for some reason and didn’t want to live a cocoon anymore. Not only wants to change herself, but also wants to prove that she has the ability to survive in this society. It’s a pity that she has been out of touch with the world during the past few years in the cocoon. Even if she comes out, she doesn’t know what she can do, so she has to come and shoot Ivy.

Although it is unknown whether the setting of Huan Ni Cocoon House can add points, whether it is her trembling M and beautiful temperament that day, her 8-head model figure, and the pink breasts, she is a natural martial arts prodigy, so the film dealer ” “SOD” also agreed, treating her as a key newcomer in January to nurture!

In order to let Huan Ni コ know about the greatness of Ivy’s world, Nan Yu received instructions and did not need to pity Yu Yu at all. Not only did he violently thrust and pinch his neck, he even used his back posture to do things in the hotel like a teacher taught bad children. The girl’s ass slammed with his hands, completely trampled on the other’s dignity.

Poor Huanniwa, after being tragically trained by “suffocating love,” she almost collapsed. The tears oozing from the corners of her eyes and the screams of being treated as a bitch, this cocoon who refused to contact the outside world before The clan should deeply understand that this world is not easy to mix.



转载请注明:极品番号 » 2020年最怪新人!环ニコ(环仁子)为改变自己出来啪却惨遭调教到崩溃!