美少女死神 还我H之魂! だから僕は、Hができない。 (2012)电影在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减百度云都没有
故事发生在桃园高中之内,加贺良介(下野紘 配音)是学校里出了名的好色之徒,对美少女的一切都十分热衷。某日,良介偶遇了名为丽萨菈(远藤绫 配音)的神秘女子,其真实身份竟是出身名门的死神,在阴差阳错之下,良介和丽萨菈签订了契约,他所要付出的代价竟然是他的色欲之魂。
大仓美菜(石原夏织 配音)是良介青梅竹马的玩伴,美菜内心里一直喜欢着善良的良介,然而却选择将这份感情深深的埋藏在心底。丽萨菈的妹妹裘儿(西口杏里沙 配音)亦身处人间界,一心想要打败姐姐取而代之的她却最终成为了失败者因此丧失了魔力,于是,裘儿和美菜签订了契约,就此,一段复杂的四人关系拉开了序幕。
The story takes place in Taoyuan High School. Ryosuke Kaga (voiced by Shigeno Yu) is a well-known erotic person in the school and is very passionate about everything about beautiful girls. One day, Ryosuke occasionally met a mysterious woman named Lisa La (voice of Endo Aya), whose true identity was actually a god of death, and under the illusion of misfortune, Liang Jie signed a contract with Lisa La The price paid turned out to be the soul of his lust.
Okura Meicai (voiced by Ishihara Natori) is a playmate of Ryosuke’s sweetheart, and Meicai has always loved kindness in his heart, but chose to bury this feeling deeply in his heart. Lisa’s sister Qiu Er (voiced by Xikou Xing Lisha) is also in the human world. She wanted to defeat her sister and replaced her. She eventually became a loser and lost her magic. So Qiu Er and Mei Cai signed a contract. A complicated four-person relationship kicked off.
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