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In marriage, a man may be derailed because of loneliness, his wife’s coldness, and his desire for freshness. But when a man thinks about cheating, it ’s best to think about your wife. You left her cold, so would n’t she want to seek a warm embrace?

In fact, in the final analysis, marriage requires the maintenance of both men and women. If the following auras appear in your marriage, you must be careful! Because these are the most direct manifestations of your marital problems.

1. Decreased interest in sex life, using various excuses to avoid being intimate with each other, and taking actions that express love with a “routine” attitude.

2. The temper becomes irritable and irritable, and often criticizes the other party for many small things.

3. Feeling impatient with the partner’s speech, losing interest, and deliberately acting against the wishes of the other party.

4. Intentional self-isolation to reduce activities that both parties can participate in together. Develop personal interest and keep the other party out of their active circles.

5. Minimize the time spent with your partner. Such as extending working hours, deliberately wandering outside of work.

6. The interest in friends of the opposite sex is increasing, and even publicly expresses the yearning for other opposite sex.

7. Gradually reduce the enthusiasm and resist the expression of your partner’s feelings, a frosty, iron-hearted look.

8. Intense quarrels and violent behaviors frequently occur, even in public, they will quarrel with their partners without any taboos, and the quarrels become more and more serious.

9. The self-centered mentality is becoming more and more obvious, only consider your own needs, and no longer think about each other.

When the above-mentioned situation occurs in the relationship between husband and wife, it shows that there has been a rift in the relationship. At this time, we should find the cause, bridge the cracks, and not let it develop to an unmanageable level.



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